In the Old Testament time, the Israelites depended on the Levitical High Priest to shoulder their sins (both transgressions and trespasses; intentional and unintentional) as he entered into the Holy of Holies to perform the ritual of sprinkling the blood of sacrifice onto the Mercy Seat, on the Day of Atonement year after year.
When Jesus finally came and died on the Cross, His precious and incorruptible blood was shed
once and for all, not just to cover all sins of man, but to
take away sins of the past, present, and future. Unlike the temporal atonement nature of animal blood, Jesus' blood has permanent reconciling impact. Unlike the blood from the imperfect world, Jesus' blood-line is divine --He was conceived by the Holy Spirit with 100% deity, yet he lived and breathed on the planet earth as 100% human for 33 years. He was sinless -- Although He could have sinned during Satan's temptation in the wilderness, Jesus, the Second Adam, passed His test with flying colors.
More importantly, Jesus is the
Ultimate Eternal High Priest. On the Cross, He
finished His 'impossible' mission and
take away man's sins
once and for all. And He is
victorious, and is now interceding for all Christians at the right-hand side of God the Father every night and day. His salvation is free for everyone. But the power of His precious blood is only
effective for everyone who
accepts and believes in Him.
April's Group Meeting Topic: Our first Tabernacle study on March 23 provided a quick walkthrough of the Tabernacle building structure and its furniture. In April's group meeting, Part 2 will focus on our life-style applications of Tabernacle. We will discuss some practical ways to make
God's Presence come
alive in our daily life. Given that the Holy Spirit has already been
dwelling within every Christian's heart in the New Testament church,
how can we, either as a group or an individual, effectively magnify the Presence of God? May we all
fan up our inner passion to live a
God-pleasing life. Amen!