On the other hand, Jesus came out of virgin birth and invaded human history. He is fully human and fully God, yet sinless. His birth is both for all mankind and for God the Father, whose righteousness attribute compels Him to sacrifice His only begotten Son to pay for man's sin.
Afterall, Jesus is the true King of Kings. He physically lived on the planet earth for 33 years.
What is the foundation of one's argument? How do you back-up your statement?
In order to do that, you need a back-up that's solid like the Gibraltar rock. Or else, you need to use your so-called "God-given talent", namely reason and logic.
Observation telle me that both moneky-king and Jesus Christ came out of nowhere. Monkey-king was born from a piece of rock, Jesus was born from a spirit planted by "God" in Madonna's womb. NO sperms or eggs involved.
Case in point: a pregnant woman goes to her doctor and stated that she's pregnant. However she's had no sexual contact with the opposite sex, nor she had "test-tube" babies. Who would believe this? Now is the so-called "leap of faith" plays its role.
Leap of faith basically is belief without foundation or basis for belief. How's this different from blind faith?
how about ...
Jesus was a real historical figure and he was borned about 2000 years ago. Historians (including the non-Christian historians) acknowledge the fact that there was such a "person" in history.
monkey-king, on the other hand, is an invented figure from the Chinese West Side Story, no different than Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.
Now who this Jesus was, who he claimed he was, and what Christians claim Jesus is is another matter. 1 point at a time.
Monkey King>Tian
Based on historical evidences, over 2000 years of close scrutiny by both religious and secular scholars, plus countless personal testimonies on the reality of the truth that God has acted in this world, the center-piece of Christian faith is that Jesus is the incarnation of God who would eventually die for the atonement of sins due to Man’s fall. Just as human begets human inside this world, God begets God outside this world. This explains why Jesus’s Birth must be born of Holy Spirit and not of humans who have sinned. More importantly, God’s love for us does not come and go. It is not wearied by our sins, or our indifference; and, therefore, it is quite relentless in its determination that we shall be cured of those sins, at whatever cost to us, at whatever cost to Him. And God’s sacrificial love forms the foundation of Christian faith, which is certainly not a blind faith without base.
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