Many Chinese workers lived in the apartment complex nearby the Dragon Mart. Here sister Lo opens her apartment home for gathering. I was told a good number of Chinese workers currently reside at this small apartment. I had a good chat with brother Li Chen, who came from northern China (he is seating by the door in the picture). He told me he accepted Christ about 3 years ago, and he works in the bathroom products business. But due to the economic turmoil in Dubai, he must now return to China. It was a joy listening to his stories about his witnessing to a non-believer friend and his personal testimonies about his overcoming the temptation of greed. Along with many other Chinese transient workers, Li lived at sister Lo's apartment which is full of bunked beds. Just a side note, when I entered her apartment, I met an Indian man who is typing at a computer to access the Internet. Then I realized that sister Lo is also running a home business servicing as an "Internet Bar". To make room for our gathering that night, all of the computer terminals have already been put aside by the walls. Praise God that sister Lo is willing to let Pastor Sze use her place for fellowship and outreach. The Dubai Short Term Mission Team (DSTMT) spent some one-on-one time with every single visitors. Initially, two DSTMT members chatted with one visitor. As more visitors arrived, we divided up into smaller groups. The small room of about 200 square feet was quickly filled with more than ten tenants who just returned from their work in the Dragon Mart. Then, Paster Sze shared some words of encouragement, and publicized about the upcoming baptism a few days later (Jan 2). Praise the Lord, several of sister Lo's tenants came and got baptized right on that day. The wonderful work of God continues in Dubai.
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