These young professionals are only in their 20s, yet they have left China and come to Dubai for better job opportunities. All of them are well-educated college graduates in China, but they are now working in hotels or restaurants as waiters and waitresses. When we played games with them, they are all full of energy. That night, I had the chance to share my personal salvation testimony, and to remind them of the importance of caring for one another, rejoicing in the Lord always, and bonding with unity in Christ. I pray that my spiritual journey can be an encouragement to these young people as they grow up through life. We left the sand dune just a few minutes after mid-night. How I wish that their future will be filled with better opportunities than what they have now in Dubai. More importantly, I pray that they will all grow up spiritually to become stronger and more matured Christian leaders when they return to China some day.
These young people enjoyed singing Amy Sand's song, especially "
有一天" (One Day). Here is the lyrics:
(詞曲:盛曉玫One Day music/lyrics: Amy Sand)有一天, 你若覺得失去勇氣, 有一天, 你若真的想放棄,有一天, 你若感覺沒人愛你,有一天, 好像走到谷底.那一天, 你要振作你的心情,那一天, 你要珍惜你自己,那一天, 不要忘記有人愛你,那一天, 不要輕易說放棄.這個世界, 真有一位上帝,祂愛你, 祂願意幫助你,茫茫人海, 雖然寂寞,祂愛能溫暖一切冷漠,這個世界, 真有一位上帝,祂的雙手, 渴望緊緊擁抱你,漫漫長夜, 陪你走過,祂愛你, 伴你一生之久.
Howard did a Cantonese translation of the song, which is quite good.
Yes, I received the Cantonese version from Howard in December of 2017. It has been a while.
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