Today´s Passage: 2 Peter 3:1-9
彼 得 後 書 3:9 主 所 應 許 的 尚 未 成 就 , 有 人 以 為 他 是 耽 延 , 其 實 不 是 耽 延 , 乃 是 寬 容 你 們 , 不 願 有 一 人 沉 淪 , 乃 願 人 人 都 悔 改
"The Lord isn´t really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake…" (2 Peter 3:9, NLT)
Today´s Word:
It doesn´t take very long to discover that God´s timing is not always our timing. It´s easy to question and wonder why you´ve been waiting for your breakthrough for 15 years and your neighbor got their breakthrough in 15 minutes! In the Bible, Abraham waited 20 years for his promise, and in the upper room the disciples waited about ten days. I don´t know how long you´ll have to wait, but you´ve got to understand that God has your best interest at heart. He is being patient for your sake. He´s aligning things and waiting for the exact right moment! If you´ll just continue waiting with the right attitude, then at the right time, God will bring it to pass.
Remember, God is always working behind the scenes for your good. Just because you don´t see any changes taking place doesn´t mean they aren´t happening. Keep standing, keep believing, and keep hoping because your breakthrough is coming for your sake!
Father in heaven, today I choose to surrender all my questions, all my fears, and all my doubts. I know that You have only my best interest at heart. I trust You and believe that You are working behind the scenes for my sake. In Jesus´ Name, Amen.
Have you ever given up on something or someone too early and thus ended up regretting for not waiting? What drives you not to wait a little longer? What could have caused you to persevere and endure?
(Adapted from Joel Osteen Ministry Devotion Series; Cantonese version available in video.)
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