Though it was my seventh time viewing this movie, its impact on me remains strong as ever. At the 400-meter final heat, Liddell (the Christian giant who refused to dishonor God on Sabbath Day and gave up his chance of winning the 100-meter race which happened to be on a Sunday) honored God, and God honored him in return. This was indeed a great learning moment for all of us. Let us continue to run the best race we can in our life to honor God, for His pleasure. He promised to honor those who honor Him. Amen!
撒 母 耳 記 上 2:30: "因 此 , 耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的 神 說 : 我 曾 說 , 你 和 你 父 家 必 永 遠 行 在 我 面 前 ; 現 在 我 卻 說 , 決 不 容 你 們 這 樣 行 。 因 為 尊 重 我 的 , 我 必 重 看 他 ; 藐 視 我 的 , 他 必 被 輕 視 。"
1 Samuel 2:30: "Therefore the LORD God of Israel declares, 'I did indeed say that your house and the house of your father should walk before Me forever'; but now the LORD declares, 'Far be it from Me--for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be lightly esteemed."
To re-trace this memorable moment, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyltmUR3MU&feature=related
Hey, Victor, thank you for your hospitality last night. Thanks for your sharing and the YouTube link.
I really enjoyed the time we all had last night. Amy, Grace, & I still laughed & talked about the movie when we got together today. It really helped us when you pointed out who’s who and what’s what with your laser pointer and when we could discuss openly to clarify what we couldn’t follow from the movie. We simply can’t do the same in the theater. Definitely can’t do the cheering and yelling, too! Right?
From the movie, I enjoyed several scenes. I’m most encouraged with the part when Liddell gave the final comment that God should come before the nation (not the other way around) in front of Prince of Wales and the officials in the special meeting. That reminded me what went wrong in America when we put God the last. Sigh….It’s so sad that we won’t see this kind of movie anymore. How true it is that God will honor those who honor Him. Pray that we could do the same in our trials and stand firm for God & for our faith. Amen!
"... God should come before the nation (not the other way around) in front of Prince of Wales and the officials in the special meeting. That reminded me what went wrong in America when we put God the last..." As humorous and ironic the reality is, WE ARE THE COMMITTEE! It's never too late for us to turn things around, one prayer at a time.
Chariots of Fire won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1981. It also won three other Academy Awards for Original Music Score, Writing Original Screenplay and Costume Design.
I admire and respect Eric Liddell more than anyone else in the movie. Eric has super strong Christian character and principle because he does not compromise his Christian faith in Christ for anything else including running, his nation and king.
Eric has made much sacrafices to train to run. He has waited for this Olympic moment for so long. Although Eric really wants to compete and run, he does not yield to the Committee who twists his arm to run on Sunday, the Sabbath Day.
Eric puts God before his athletism, his nation and king.
It's a great movie to remind us that if we, as Christians, honor God, then God will honor us.
It's also a movie to prompt Christians to act to be the Light & Salt of this world.
The end time is near because you can see signs of current events in the U.S. and around the world.
Are we ready for Jesus' 2nd coming?
Thanks, Victor.
Well said, Steve!!
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